2020/21 Season & COVID-19 Update
We hope you are all doing well. Words can’t even begin to explain how much we miss all of our SBDA dancers and families. We want to thank everyone for all of your support, loyalty, love and understanding during these difficult times.
We have decided, due the fact that there is still a restriction on large gatherings, and the future of COVID-19 is so unforeseeable, our plan is to continue our unfinished dances and classes as much as possible in the 2020/21 season. The same classes, costumes, and dances will be used for a recital to be scheduled in June 2021. We are working with the costume companies to get different sizes/additional costumes if needed. We will also have a seamstress available to make any minor alterations on costumes. Costumes will be handed out in class once the students have tried them on all together as a class and the costume and accounts from last season have been paid for in full.
As far as reopening, we are taking all the precautions and following CDC guidelines to make sure our studio is a safe space for all of our dancers and families. This includes daily cleaning of the space, mask wearing, limited capacity, spaced out sections of the floor for each dancer, etc. We will be posting all the regulations dancers and parents must follow when entering the studio for classes when it comes closer to the opening date. We will have a full handbook for all the precautions and regulations we are following that will be available for anyone to see. For those who would still like to dance this season but still do not feel comfortable with in-person classes yet, we will have the option to take classes through Zoom. Each room will be equipped with a video set up for the teacher to instruct those who are taking class from home. Virtual learning students will still pay full tuition in order to keep our studio up and running.
Classes will begin on Thursday, September 10th. As far as registration, for returning students we are in the works of setting up online registration to avoid the crowd we normally have at in person registration. Online registration will run from August 10th till August 15th. More information on this process will be announced in the coming weeks. For new students, we will hold an in person registration on Tuesday, August 25th and Wednesday, August 26th from 5-7pm .
For those who have already paid tuition for the months we were closed (April and May) those payments will be transferred to cover tuition for the months September and October. The 2019/20 season recital fees that have already been paid will be used to cover the 2020/21 season recital fee. If you have paid in advance, and your dancer decides to no longer dance this season, you will receive a refund. We will be holding Call Hours on August 4th from 11am-1pm, and August 5th from 5pm-7pm. During these hours you will be able to call the studio at (716) 825-9806, and inquire about any remaining past due balances on your accounts (This would include the months of September 2019-March 2020) Additionally we will be holding a Payment Day on August 12th from 5pm to 8pm, where you are able to come into the studio safely and pay off any past due balances.
We hope that we have covered everything that you may have questions about in the sections above. If you have any questions, we ask that you please message or call us privately. We will be keeping you posted more frequently as we begin to reopen! Times may have been tough, but we are coming back stronger than ever thanks to all of your loyalty and support! We look forward to dancing with you all again soon!
SBDA COVID-19 Safety Procedures